November Newsletter

hello friends,

Change is constantly happening around us. Nature teaches us the natural cycles of change, without resistance or fear. How beautiful the experience of  life can be we allow it to flow, change and adjust just as it needs to. Trees freeing their leaves to fall and leave the branches bare, without knowing  if or when they will return. And yet we see that every year they do, when the time and environment is right to do so. 
How often in our lives are we clinging onto behaviours… belief systems… relationships… jobs… that no longer serve or support who we are? Maybe once they served a purpose but they no longer do for the human you have grown to be. 
If the trees held onto their leaves every year, how would new and fresh buds have room to grow and flourish? A shedding is necessary to create space for the new. 
Honouring the season we are in, be curious what you want to shed in your life? The invitation is to spend some time sitting in that space. Imagine it, play with it and feel it. 
Go gentle. 

love and light friends,
the dancing soul

P.S.. Stay tuned to our social media platforms for our Ask The Therapist series.